Such a beautiful poem, Jamie! I once heard "fear is a good push, but Love is a wonderful pull" and I think our essence pulls us towards who we are here to be. The journey can only be understood as a whole. The birth pains are incredibly huge sometimes, especially if we resist the change of the seasons. It is softly raining today in Ireland, yet the birds sing loudly and the trees start to sprout, it's beautiful and matches the rhythm of your poetry. Thanks for sharing! 💕

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Thanks Sadhbh! It’s definitely a spiritual journey from fear to love. Through it we seem to come into this world with our own soul purpose that pulls us up that second mountain. Thank you so much for reading. Enjoy the beautiful spring on the Emerald Isle. Bless you 🙏❤️

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Born into living the questions❣️

(while questioning the predigested and regurgitated answers presented to us as 'our lot in life'.)

Any barriers are defenceless against the strength of the essence...

... as they meet the invitation❣️

to enter the maze of life ~ to find our way out of the maze and into life and light and love 💕🙏

This reminds me of a word we invented some years ago ::: 'quanswer' = a question which contains its own answer.

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Quanswer! I love it. Living into the questions indeed to one day become the answer. The symbiocene. The book allowed me to share the poetry of my journey into the questions. Thanks for reading and reflecting. A soul journey. Something tells me I have been here before on the sweet road home. Bless you Veronika. I look forward to your next share.

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"Your purpose / Already known / ... / ... / Startled by the cries / of your own / Arrival".

These insightful words reminded me of T.S. Eliot's "We shall not cease from exploration / And the end of all our exploring / Will be to arrive where we started / And know the place for the first time." So much of life seems to be driven by acts of remembrance, of who we are, what we are, why we're here. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙏

We had an 'earlier Spring' in February - lots of blossom on the plum trees was out - then back into winter with hard cold rain and winds - not sure if we'll get any plums this year. But now Spring take-2 is emerging. At least that's what the birds seem to be siniging about.

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Thanks Josh! I resonate with TS Eliot. There is a deep remembrance in our bones that seems to be there upon our arrival. A journey to who and where we have always been. Enjoy the wonders and the renewal that spring ushers in! May you feel into the awe and know it for the first time all over again.

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I guess that without the "forgetting", we can never experience the awe of (re)-discovering.

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Definitely! Something deep down or is it something around us that somehow still knows the way? Enjoy it all! 🙏❤️

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Mar 14Liked by Jamie Millard

"...startled by the cries of your own arrival." Beautiful.

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Thanks Muriel. To arrive at the beginning or is it the end? Both become like the other. No after or no before. Twice born. Nostos. Enjoy that Maple Syrup and this slow arrival of Ontario spring. 🙏❤️

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Beautiful Jamie. A celebration of renewal and potential and the possibility that exists within all of us.

Well, that's what your poem spoke to me anyway. 😊

"Startled by the cries

of your own


Waking up to the realisation that we have "arrived" already.

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How things join and speak into each other, without referencing or manipulation on our part, always fills me with a sense of wonder, with curious delight. Read We Are Born Again before going to bed tonight having written and submitted a piece on coming out of the dark earlier today. ‘Reaching for the light, You break free.’ The opening lines of your poem perfectly articulate my experience. But I hadn’t thought of it as being born again, that puts a very different colour to it. Thank you.♥️

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Thanks so much! It’s definitely a journey to the light. I appreciate you reading and reaching out. 🙏❤️

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Mar 14Liked by Jamie Millard

“Your purpose

Already known

As you open your eyes”

I love the whole poem, Jamie, but this part stuck out to me, especially given the photo at the beginning of your post. I can imagine the plant or a soul or even a thought poking through the soil and growing with its purpose. And I love the labyrinth comparison. Happy Spring, thank you for this wonderful poem and reflection ❤️

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Thank you so much Jenn! I appreciate the support. It’s like that blank canvas knows exactly what is going to appear even if we didn’t know ourselves. Maybe it was never blank in the first place? Bless you. 🙏❤️

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Mar 14Liked by Jamie Millard

Oh, what a lovely thought, thank you for that ❤️

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This morning an email from Royal Mail, your book arrives tomorrow. .

It is a good time for a poem, poems. I think of young John Keats at Carisbrooke beginning in the greenery of an Arcadia an epithalamium for a wedding. Celebrate! I find myself scribbling something on the escape from the disciplines of gravity and I guess old-age. Smile

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Bless you Phillip! Thank you. Your wisdom sings to me and the way your words dance is music to my soul! A celebration! Smiling here! Bless you 🙏❤️

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Thank You Jo! Its a soul journey. Returning maybe to where we have always been. 🙏❤️

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