Beautiful piece, Jamie. Loved reading it. ✨

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Thank you so much I really appreciate you reading and reaching out 🙏❤️

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Jun 18Liked by Jamie Millard

Wanderlusful is how I want to live! Thanks, Jamie.

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Thanks Mo! Wandering into wonder. Attending to the present is a gift. Bless you 🙏❤️

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I'm so pleased you have had a holiday and a chance to wander Jamie. A beautiful post.

Hope you can keep that sense of "leaning in for more" even if you are back home. 😊

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Thanks so much Jo for reading. Definitely a little harder to lean in at work but with that said, always getting easier to wander into wonder. Bless you. 🙏❤️

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Jun 15Liked by Jamie Millard

very pretty

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Thanks Jenny!

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Fresh words and salt to the taste of gladness - meet the travellers.

Who brings their own wine for sharing? 😊👍

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I’ll drink to that! Thank you so much Phillip. To wander those hills and to taste the sea is to breathe. Bless you. 🙏❤️

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Have been known to be wrong, but I feel sure I know that tree! Don't tell me ... I will ask around the family.

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Jun 14Liked by Jamie Millard

I love this post, Jaime!! I too am a wanderer and i get restless if I’m in the same place too long. I hope you have an excellent summer with many chances to quench your wanderlust!

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Thanks Jenn for reading and reaching out. I will wander wonderfully well. Enjoy summer! Bless you 🙏❤️

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Jun 14Liked by Jamie Millard

Thank you Jamie, bless you.

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Nice consonance and assonance in full swing in the poem. I like the added twist of perspective in the last line. I've found travel is both liberating and a bit scary, maybe because there's always a heightened sense of the unknown, what might be just around the corner - but heightened senses bring an uplifted experience.

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Thanks Josh! I hear you. It totally depends on the context for sure on how present one can be. I know that it’s way more difficult when my sense of safety is challenged. Thanks so much for your kind words and your welcomed wisdom. Have a wonderful summer. 🙏❤️

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Jun 13Liked by Jamie Millard

Ha “waking song” was supposed to be walking along. Both! :)

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Thank you Shelly! I can feel the wonder of Colorado in your words! Sounds amazing and definitely a glass full of wine in any dose! Thanks so much for reading and for reaching out! Keep wandering and wonder lusting. Keep singing. 🙏❤️

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Jun 13Liked by Jamie Millard

Thank you! “Glass full of wine” :) I walk by lush vineyards in the neighborhood too, even watching the progress of a new one is being planted. I know I am lucky to live where people come to vacation!!

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Jun 13Liked by Jamie Millard

Such a gorgeous poem and reflection. My Sagittarius-rising heart longs for faraway travels but must be content with waking song the Colorado river and its irrigation canals, or short day trips into the mountains to escape the heat of high desert this summer. Wanderlust can get a short reprieve like that, and loves to live vicariously through the writings and journeys of poets like you. This: “I’d rather ride the waves

of a rolling river

as it wynds through the great glens! YES and thank you. 🙏 🤗

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Wonderful post on Wandering moments!

Thanks for the mention, Jamie 💙🙏

From my perspective, as a German native speaker, Wanderlust and Fernweh are quite different experiences. Wanderlust is about the enjoyment of the process of wandering (like 'itchy feet'), while Fernweh is the opposite of Heimweh (= homesickness), i.e. 'the unspecified longing for being in some faraway place'... farawaysickness

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Thanks Veronika! That’s why I definitely defer to you on all things etymology! You know the deeper story. It’s a pleasure to read your work and to synchronistically connect in the words and through the words. May you have a wonderful summer sojourn! Wishing you some wandering wonder indeed 🙏❤️

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Thank you Jamie!

I definitely don't know ALL things etymology... but thanks for your confidence in me anyway (wanderlust may well be used differently in English than in German)

Best wishes for a wanderful wondering summer back to you 😊 💕

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Guess you are right Veronika. I wandered on the Brocken one Sunday in 91/92 on the 19thC (?) paths, Goethe Weg and Heine Weg and other similar. Reminded me of a different era.

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Jun 13Liked by Jamie Millard

Coming to me while I am on vacation - just perfect. I have hiked a mountain peak, descended into a subterranean cave, and swam in golden lake waters. Wander Lust bar none.

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Sounds “wunder-lust-ful” Muriel! Get lost in there🙏❤️

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There are times in our lives when we do not belong here, but there. We do not wander because there is not close, but far. Painfully far. We just know it can't be here. Now if only someone can turn here to there.

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Thanks Perry. I feel your words. The faraway nearby. Blessing you a harvest of that horizon. I appreciate you. 🙏❤️

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Oh thank you so much for this wonderful post! I love wandering and getting lost. We are all on the journey together and I love how our paths intertwine and we meet at the crossroads of Love, kindness and compassion. Thanks for sharing you light and the link!

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Thanks! Your community looks fantastic! Thanks for seeing what we need beyond these platforms. I always love that Gabor Mate quote “ safety is not the absence of threat but the presence of connection”! Thank you for creating the presence of connection. 🙏❤️

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Great quote from Gabor Maté - it reaches far into the truth zone of human experience.

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