I understand this poem and the thoughts behind it. Well expressed and well understood. It is true that people are different, but some are very different. Truly troubled persons. Unhappy because they are chasing and striving. It always ends badly.

I see a connection between a troubled spirit and a disconnection from Nature. Arya my cockatiel is my at home connection, as are the birds and squirrels outside my door. Once you see, find and feel that connection, you apprehend that we humans have a chance of redemption and connection.

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Perry, you are a man of my heart. A walk in the forest is my temple. Trees, birds, squirrels, chippies, deer….Thank you so much for reading. That dip into the serenity of the woods, connects me with something far bigger and beyond. Bless you. 🙏❤️

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Beautifully written! It is a practice to stay focused on the positive when our brains are so negatively biased. I practice to see people who are constantly negative through the eyes of Love. When in direct interaction I try to focus on their essence and in my mind try to understand their pain (as normally the root of the negativity is pain in some form). This helps me keeping my energy, as I don't go down the scale when I am able to hold them in Love. It is a practice though and I am far from perfect. I have discovered though, that the negative people more and more seem to naturally drift out of my experience. Where the focus goes the energy flows. Wonderful article, Jamie.

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Thank you so much! It’s definitely a journey! I have to say I’m getting much better at learning the lessons and creating from it. I love that saying where the focus goes the energy flows. So true. Thanks for your support. 🙏❤️

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"...the negative people more and more seem to naturally drift out of my experience". I can echo that experience. It seems that as we gradually learn a lesson, the people who (kindly! hmmm) brought us the 'learning opportunity' do indeed drift further and further from our orbit -- and yet also can suddenly return, by which time we can spot them at 500 paces, and our energy makes any encounters more uncomfortable for them -- so they soon go away again.

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Apr 3Liked by Jamie Millard

Thank you for the poem, great topic to think about. To be honest the most difficult thing in my opinion is recognising the danger before entering too deep into the eye of the storm. Once you acknowledged the threat the most reasonable thing to do is stepping back to calm down, away from the source of frustration. If you reached that far safe, you have good chances that you will find a solution for the problem too.

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Thanks Ethan! I totally resonate and I can say that my Spidey senses are certainly getting better in this department. Things don’t stay with me as long after either. Thank you so much for reading and for reaching out. 🙏❤️

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I enjoyed reading a poem of yours Jamie that is more edgy. The last line -- "They’ve built their own cage" struck me. It's easier to see in others than in ourselves, of course. Perhaps our own cages feel too 'natural' because we are so used to them; we lose track where exactly the bars hang down. And the wheedle and spike of energy vampires maybe offers an opportunity to see where our own cage edges need some attention. But my general default is 'walk away', although I sometimes think of occasions where a sharp word of confrontation might have been the better option. Fortunately we'll always get another opportunity to crack it.😀 🙏

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I’ll have to write some more edgy ones lol! Thanks Josh. I definitely resonate 100%. Often reacting is putting myself in a cage and I’m much better now at reflecting on the trigger. Poetic inquiry is all about going inside and finding what needs to be let out. Next time around things tend to flow through me better. Self love to forgiveness to healing. Thank you so much for reading and reaching out! 🙏❤️

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I also enjoyed reading something of yours that is a little more edgy Jamie. We can all relate to the human experience in your words despite many here being on a spiritual journey. This comes to mind as I read your post:

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


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Thanks! Lets see if the whiskey and women poems find their way to the surface lol! I’ll invite some edge to set itself free! Its definitely a human experience, never to bypass. Always to grow. Spirits in the material world indeed. ❤️

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Apr 3Liked by Jamie Millard

Love your authenticity!

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Oh, you’re too kind Alicia! Thank you so much for the support 🙏❤️

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I love this poem. I thought first of a specific individual that it seems to describe with surprising accuracy and then… you know that saying when you point the finger, three are pointing back at you. I thought of myself. I think there are definitely times when I am the curmudgeon. I have to treat that one with firm tenderness and invite her back to the reality of beautiful life. Writing. Walking are ways out. My invitation is always accepted, the cage door open.❤️

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Thanks Alice-ann! We always show up somewhere in the writing don’t we. Thats the gift with reflecting. Bless you. Thank you so much for reading and reaching out. 🙏❤️

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I love this Jamie.

Ah yes the old energy vampire eh. I have encountered a particularly blood thirsty one this week. 😊

I think of them as boundary destroyers also. We don't need their crap, we have enough of our own stuff to deal with! Empathetic people, as I would say most of us here, are particularly likely to come across with these types. I have found I need to assert very strong boundaries with some people which is hard and often they won't take a boundary well. But that can't be our problem. I try and state my need in a clear, calm and grounded way. They will react and then I will leave the situation. To deal with my anger and rumination after one of these unsettling encounters I remind myself that NO ONE can ruin my day. It's up to me how I respond. I find doing something energetic like going for a run burns off the extra energy. Nature, my cat ( 😊), breathing, doing something creative, listening to music - all these things help me. Writing is such a good way to process, "to reflect and ...to inquire".

May you have a week of grounded serenity Jamie, no matter who crosses your path. 💜

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Thanks so much Jo! Sounds like a great formula! Agree. We create our response and how it affects us is all ours to own. Writing helps me process the experience and leave it behind for the present. Thanks so much for reading and sharing. Bless you 🙏❤️

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Apr 3Liked by Jamie Millard

This is excellent, I love that you had to vent, and play with the words to get your serenity back. I especially like the term happiness pirate! And I like the way you put it, they’ve built their own cage. It’s so true. I loved it, thank you for sharing this and I hope it helped you process the frustration and reclaim your smile!

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Thanks Jenn! Definitely always feels better to write it out. Thank you so much for reading and restacking. I appreciate your kindness. Bless you. 🙏❤️

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Apr 3Liked by Jamie Millard

Love this poem!!!

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Thank you so much Holly for reading 🙏❤️

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Apr 3Liked by Jamie Millard

How funny and so apropos.. of all days you would write this for us-me-??? I have an energy thief in my midst as well, a crab of a sister, who btw, told me a few years ago that her inner child was buried in the back yard. At the time, I laughed but winced because is not the divine child also the same child that Yeshua refers to when he says :"to enter the kingdom of heaven you must be as a child?"

So I have deleted and will continue to do so, all her negative emails. You have to I think. Who needs that crap? the world is upsetting enough, so thank you Mr.Millard for this very funny but so apt take on the negative nells of the world because they are everywhere!. Here's hoping you can return soon to your normally deep and more profound 'motifs'.

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Thanks Jeanne! Its either late at night there or early in the morning. Yes family is even more powerful on the curmudgeon scale. I hear you on your sister. Sibling energy cuts deep. Bless you. Sending love and light. Yes next week is a dip into angels indeed. Big hugs! Hoping those beautiful cards are finding your magic pen. 🙏❤️

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Great rhythm, rhyme and reality! Given there is spirit and there are spirits, not just poetic conceits, spiritual protection seems a given for our own daily adjustment? Like Perry I like the creature connections. There are memories we can leave behind as well as loyalties we can celebrate and renew? I was reminded yesterday by co-incidence of Robert Browning's verse drama 'Pippa Passes'.

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Indeed. Thank you Phillip! You always leaving me wanting more as I scramble off to read from the seeds you always plant here! Bless you 🙏❤️

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Works the other way as well. 😊 The wiki entry is interesting on how the thought / image came to Browning.

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Oh, I love this poem! I had to look up Curmudgeon ~ what a brilliant word!!!

I also love how you reflect the cognitive dissonance with the Mark Twain quote followed by the photo of your beautiful cat.

Of course I have plenty of answers to your questions (as you may well have guessed). It's not a quick and short enough answer to share here (all will be revealed in Synchronosophy) because I don't have a simple quick-fix method, and I don't think there is one.

What I can say though, in summary, is that I take such situations as opportunities to nurture the 'growth of my Consciousness'. In essence, I tune deeply into the experience, let it guide me to an inner place of pre-existing trauma, which then enables me to transform and heal both at the same time ~ the old trauma and the current irritation that awakened the curmudgeon.

I'll have to go now and read your poem again 💖🙏

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Thank you so much! It’s definitely a journey! I look forward to each bite of the Synchronosophy! I am learning the healing side. A life long lesson. I feel that consciousness growth revealing an awareness indeed. Everyday. Poems help me find the magic between the words and in writing things out the serenity definitely arrives. Bless you Veronika. Thanks for reading 🙏❤️

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I'm sure. Words and writing can be powerful healers. Reading your poem Curmudgeon, the healing impulses jump out between the words and lines❣️

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Thanks @Paul Wittenberger for the restack! ❤️

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Thanks @KMPatriot for the restack! ❤️

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