Welcome to Cuoreosity

Written in a style that entwines poetry, blog and essay, Cuoreosity is an expedition into the deeper conversations that will shape our spirit as we live into the light of our own beautiful questions. The answers to our most intense questions are not how to guides. They are poetry. The path of discovery is to find and to be found by the poetry within.

The journey between what we once were and who we are now becoming is a poem.

Living the Questions

Have you been to yourself
in all of this noise?
Are you living your dreams?
Does your soul have a voice?
When you close your eyes
what do you see?
Where your heart meets your soul
who must you be?
Will your why be your way?
How will you tell your story?

© Jamie Millard

Cuoreosity is a door to transformation. Please join me and walk across the threshold as we take the only step we can ever make; the one towards our self.

Check out more with the post Cuoreosity-No Its Not a Typo!

Join an interactive community of fellow souls having a human experience as we live into the questions on a journey to the best version of ourselves.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to Cuoreosity- Living The Questions

An invitation into the deeper conversations that will shape your Being as you live into the light of the very questions themselves.


A passionate bard celebrating the poetic magic of expression. Writing in the sweet mystical darkness of early dawn, Jamie is a creative alchemist who enjoys casting lyrical spells on the magical wings of words as the sun slowly kisses the moon.