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The word for heart in Italian is “Cuore”. The suffix, “osity”, reflects “the quality of being.” I felt that this soul burning experience of and to aliveness needed its own name. I set out to create a new word and Cuoreosity found me. It captures the essence of our journey of living the questions.
In a 1903 letter to his protégé, the 19-year-old cadet and budding poet Franz Xaver Kappus, the poet Rainer Maria Rilke writes: “I want to beg you, as much as I can, dear sir, to be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
Without preconceived answers, there is eloquence and beauty in one’s questions, living themselves out in ever widening circles. There is no answer in the strictest sense. What emerges in the silence are new questions and as Rilke professed; We live into the questions.
Poet David Whyte calls them the questions that have patiently waited for us. The questions that have no right to go away. The transformative stirrings that have to do with the person we are becoming.
Cuoreosity celebrates this human experience of becoming at the threshold that intersects curiosity, resilience, and the essence of our innermost being. Cuoreosity travels the journey inwards. From Head to Heart to Soul. Purpose, exploration and coming home to love.
I enjoy weaving poetic expression into a creative literary hermeneutic tapestry of biology, arts, humanities, psychology, sociology, mythology and spirituality while sharing the mysterious rapture of this incredible odyssey of growth as a body in a soul.
Written in a style that entwines poetry, blog and essay, Cuoreosity is an expedition into the deeper conversations that will shape our spirit as we live into the light of our own beautiful questions. The answers to our most intense questions are not how to guides. They are poetry. The path of discovery is to find and to be found by the poetry within. Our very life is a poem in itself.
In the universe, there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between, there are doors.
William Blake
Cuoreosity is a door to transformation. Please join me and walk across the threshold as we take the only step we can ever make; the one towards our self.
Into the Now of Here
Open the door
The wind is dancing
Saffron paints a picture
You cannot taste on a screen
Surrender your devices
Lift up your palms
Love is born in mystery
Look up
The moon is on fire
The birds are calling out your name
Breathe in the light
Feel it pump through your veins
Effervesce the wisdom of darkness
Take off your shoes
Let your heart be your eyes
Emancipate your body
Abandon the husk
To become the grain
Breathe out the fear
Step in
Cross the verge
Ignite your soul
Spread your wings
© Jamie Millard
I look forward to connecting soon! Please reach out with any queries and questions.
Lotsa Love,
Thanks for this. I see why you "liked" the Mary Oliver poem "The End of Summer" over on Jeff Goins' Substack. Your poem reminds me of it.
Cuoreosity, I like that word very much, and all it represents.