Apr 23·edited Apr 23Liked by Jamie Millard

I like the question "Could I be the cup?" It's very intriguing ... well, could I? Mary Oliver was, so I guess it's possible. What can I offer back to Nature who has given me so much? Time, and appreciation, a poem ... looks like you're well on the case. 😊

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Bless you Josh! We are all one in the end. Thank you for giving back to nature and leaving it better than you found it 🙏❤️

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"It has always been extraordinary."

Thank you so much for this. Quotidian is indeed an extraordinary word. Meaning 'ordinary' while so rarely used that we can truly experience in it, what you are breathing out through your poem ~ the extraordiness of everyday life.

I love the woodpecker saying Hello! too.

Quotidian. Reminding us of the quota of our days on this journey of life.

Thank you 💕🙏

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Thanks Veronika! The woodpecker was so amazing! I’m glad their voice shone through! “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

Maya Angelou. I definitely love the word..quotidian. Quota calls indeed. The magic is always right in front of us! Thank you for your support as always!


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Apr 23Liked by Jamie Millard

Truly, truly beautiful.

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Thanks so much Muriel 🙏❤️

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Good, very good. Speak and the morning listens.

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Thanks Phillip. 🙏❤️

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And thanks to you Jamie for the intro to Mary Oliver - I need to catch up. The owls have it for a start.

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Well worth the read!

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How wonderful the sound of the woodpecker! 🙏❤️

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Thanks Will! There’s magic in the forest 🙏❤️

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Apr 25Liked by Jamie Millard

I think we all need to fight tooth and nail to become ordinary or to live in Quotidian. But almost all of us are brought up to want to become extraordinary instead. Love it, Jamie.

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Thanks Mo! Totally resonate 🙏❤️

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Beautiful Jamie.


I love Mary Oliver too.

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Thanks Deb 🙏❤️

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Apr 24Liked by Jamie Millard

Could I be the cup…what a wonderful thought. Thank you, Jamie, for this beautiful, thoughtful post.

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Thank Jenn! It sips us slowly. Bless you 🙏❤️

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So well put. And I love the audio!

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Thanks Kevin

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I love this! Getting into the present moment and becoming really aware takes a lot of practice. We are taking on habits so quickly and seem to stumble through the days without seeing the magic. Yet we are the magic! Thanks for sharing your words! 🙏

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Thanks Sadhbh the magic is all around us! We just need to open our heart to see it 🙏❤️

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Beautiful. 💜 It's the only way to live: to be aware of what is unfolding in the present moment.

"Watching and waiting for wonder

to drink from me again"


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Thanks so much Jo! Those Ws are wonderful. Bless you!

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