Thank you, Jamie for these words. Poets remind us humans that beauty exists all around us; poets remind us that there is meaning behind and beyond the words; poets remind us what it is to be human in a world where there are millions of species who are non-human. I wish you rest and restoration during your break.

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Thanks for the support and the inspiration Perry! One story, one song 🙏❤️

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I know that 'Brittle Star' is a very good poem because I'd like to have written it myself, and the audio really brings it to life.

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Thank you so much Martin! Thank you for being a steward of the words and all the spaces in between. Writing, reading, and listening to poetry, carries something else along with it. No words can ever describe it. Yet our bones remember it as they carry us home. 🙏❤️

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Jamie.... wow. These words echoed through me like a peal of thunder:

"If we watch closely in silence, language will take off her clothes and we can catch a glimpse of the nameless nakedness of knowing. These moments invade us. Born of being. Poetry remembers. To witness and to attend is a revealing into a glimpse of deeper knowing. Unnameable. Beyond the serrated edges of words. Beyond the labels of language. We will never know our world in the way that poetry aspires to intimately know it. Yet we write on. We write to unfold. We write, as only Neruda could express, “to fall out of the skin into the soul”.

Wow. Just wow. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.

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Thanks so much Kevin! I appreciate the support and your kind words. I’ve listened to all three episodes of your podcast and I can say the same back to you. You have the gift of sharing something beyond the calm being of your voice. Your desire, for something better shines through in the remembrance of our collective story and our collective song. We just forgot to sing. Thanks so much for helping us remember the words. We already know them. We just forgot where to look. Thanks for being a guide. I look forward to your series and all that you share. You make it better! 🙏❤️

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Aug 1Liked by Jamie Millard

Wild blessings to you my friend, looking forward to what emerges from your sojourn!

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Thanks Will! Lots of Don and Tim mixed in to read the next few months!🙏❤️

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Aug 1Liked by Jamie Millard

It’s all round wonderful!

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This is so beautiful! Jamie, once again, I fell in love with words and could picture every scene you wrote, thank you! I enjoyed studying the fossils of brittle stars and found them to be extraordinary. They live deep and yes, they serve as nature's eyes without the need for one. Thus, the brittle star, in all its delicate resilience, reminds us of the poetry of existence, they reflect the eternal rhythm of life, a song as old as the ocean's first whisper.

Good luck with your projects; I hope they inspire you, and when the time comes, you will be warmly welcomed, as you see how many of us are moved by your talent.

Your posts are a true soul panacea.❤️

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Thanks Katerina!! Keep writing! We need you! I’ll return in a poetic frenzy! Bless you 🙏❤️ Thanks for your support! I’ll keep reading your posts and learning here!

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Beautiful! I'd never heard of brittle stars... a sand dollar with legs... one of the ocean's many mysteries...

What a great name. And a brilliant poem too. Thank you for bringing a new creature ~ and its whole new world ~ to my attention! 🙏 ✨💫⭐️

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Thanks so much Veronica! There’s new creatures and words to discover every day! Something tells me I’ll learn a lot more from you soon! Thanks for the kind words. Bless you. 🙏❤️

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Loved the poem. More than than that, I loved the poetic explanation of the context.

A deeply thoughtful reflection on existence, perception and the power of poetry!

All the best for your future endeavors, Jamie.

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Thanks so much Rob for reading and for reaching out! I appreciate the kind words. We definitely are the poem. 🙏❤️

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Aug 1Liked by Jamie Millard

“To witness and to attend is a revealing into a glimpse of deeper knowing.” Thank you for being such a wonderful witness and sharing from your poet heart!! The brittle starfish is stunning! Wow! Enjoy your R&R!

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Thanks so much Shelly! That R and R will probably be the most writing I’ve ever done in my life lol. Leaning into some pretty big projects outside of my own personal ones. I will still awake every morning and write poetry at dawn! Thanks so much for your support! 🙏❤️

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Astonishing photo. And we only have two hands for our work, even with our five fingers. Am looking forward to the essay mode but guess the poems make the link! Very best.

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Thanks Philip! One thing I’ll always do is write poems here! That’s all I know how to do! Thanks for all of your support. Let’s chat soon! Took the picture on Harris! Luskentyre.

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Beautiful, as ever!

Don’t go too far.

We need you, too, Jamie. ❤️

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Thanks Jacqueline as always! I appreciate your kindness and support. I love your music and look forward to hearing so much more. Keep setting your song free. Bless you 🙏❤️

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Awww!! Thank you, my friend!! I will- I promise. 🎶❤️✨

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So glad I found your page, poetry is what breathes life into me - especially when feeling brittle. Such a lovely wrap up line 🌊🌟💙

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Thanks Marjorie! 🙏❤️

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Aug 4Liked by Jamie Millard

Love it, Jamie. “Poetry remembers. To witness and to attend is a revealing into a glimpse of deeper knowing.”

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Thanks Mo for reading and reaching out 🙏❤️

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I want to know more about the projects and I love that you are taking space for them!!!! And another lovely post Jamie. You are such an artist with words.

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Thanks Terra for being here since the beginning 🙏❤️ I appreciate you! I’m leaning into the creation of a program focussing on knowing one’s self a little deeper to foster resilience in healthcare workers. We can only give away what we have developed ourselves. We are seeing a higher burn out rate. Trying to get back to some really good self-care habits for a group that sometimes gets lost in the compassion of serving at the expense of themselves. And yes, it will include lots of poetry! It will keep me busy this fall but something tells me I’ll still need to release a few words here along the way!

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Thanks for letting me know Jamie. It feels good to feel what you will be doing and it sounds very heart centered and like a deep passion project. I hope it flows for you and you find the creative frequencies nourishing your own soul as you birth this gift into the world.

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Thanks so much! Am excited.

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Jamie, over the past 8 months since I joined Substack, and have been reading your posts, I see a keen growing maturity in your writing, especially the last couple of months. So, this augurs well for launching into some new bigger project.

Meanwhile, I've never heard of a 'brittle star-fish', but this creature, with its specialness of physiology, sounds like an excellent 'foil' for a consideration of poetry. Great find, and for putting the two side-by-side.

What are poets for? At long last I'm going to be presented with an answer ... :)

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Thanks Josh! You are too kind. The more I let go the more the words find me. I just set them free. Its definitely a soul journey! Nameless and naked. Thanks for leading the way. What are poet’s for? I am looking forward to the discussion! Keep your poems coming! Enjoy that garden in paradise! Bless you 🙏❤️

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Beautiful 💜

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Thanks so much for reading and reaching out Simone! 🙏❤️

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Your point about poetry being an act of resilience… yes 😊

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Thanks! It’s definitely a practice to a place that helps us open the doors to transformation. 🙏❤️

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Such a wonderful rich offering Jamie. Thank you.

Another Eckhart, Eckhart Tolle one of my favs, talks about going beyond the labelling of things also. So that we can truely be present to the Being- ness of things. He says “The more we label, the more shallow and lifeless our reality becomes”.

I love how you articulate this awareness and consciousness in your poetry. It's hard to do.

I smiled when I saw your paragraph about being on here for nearly a year because I had also written something very similar this morning and then saved it for a little closer to the time, and because I was creeping up on the word count already!

Congratulations Jamie. It is a major accomplishment to post every week and with the quality and attention you give.

I wish you all the best for your time on other projects and you had better come back!! Will miss you. Thank you for everything. Jo 🙏💜

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Thanks Jo! That is-ness and this-ness of being-ness is everything poetry is trying to be intimate with. Thanks for always seeing me in the spaces between the words. Yes those Eckharts have some wise-ness indeed. Thanks for being such a great supporter for the whole year! I’ll definitely be here maybe not as frequent but some habits are hard to break like witnessing the dawn of a new day. Bless you some new light as Spring slowly comes to greet you. 🙏❤️

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