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What good is it to have a belly if there’s no fire in it? Wake up, drink your passion, light a match and get to work.
Simon Sinek
Slap It pours in. Ginger slaps throat in the turmeric of belief. Tongue tied, candling the incense into smoky palate burning down the swallowing musk of mystery in a propagated plunge of peristalsis. Stomach in the silence of a sudden on stun catches the stoop of gravity swirl like a foul tip funnelled off of a swinging bat. Hatchet has just cut through the bone of meaning as - a punch into the guts of understanding in the speechless gasp of being knocked on ass. © Jamie Millard
I want to be ripped open by something that I read. Knocked on my ass. By the sounds. By the metaphors. Poetry is what poetry brings. I want it to bring the fire.
Poetry is what poetry does. I want it to make me bleed.
I want to take that blood and turn it into ink! As I write,
I want to be surprised by my own discovery.
I want to struggle into the words. I want to breathe and gasp in the ineffable spaces around them. I want them to come through me. Waking me in the night and slapping me in the face. I want that process to swallow me whole. Even if it takes years.
That’s poetry. That’s healing. That’s fucking living.
May your creativity set your soul on fire!
Thanks for Being-Here,
Lots of Love,
"Ginger slaps throat in the turmeric of belief."
What an incredible line!
Zingiber (= literally a 'horn body') and turmeryte (Middle English, associated with terra merita = worthy earth)
My morning ginger and turmeric tea is leaving me with a speechless gasp ~ your poem slapping me in the face ~ in a fiery way. 🔥 🙏 💕
Spice of life!😊
Forgive me... in precarity as they say these days ... I am a deal more elderly and must tread more gingerly.
Vicariously ... top of the morning to you all!